Get a supplier invoice by ID

Get a supplier invoice by ID

Path parameters
consentId*string (uuid)

The consent for which you wish to get an invoice.


The id of the invoice you wish to retrieve.

Header parameters

Returns Invoices related to specific consent.

idnullable string
referencenullable string
buyerReferencenullable string
bookedInvoiceIndicatornullable boolean
cancelledInvoiceIndicatornullable boolean
issueDatenullable string
issueTimenullable string
dueDatenullable string
creditInvoiceCreditInvoiceDto (object)
financialDimensionsnullable array of FinancialDimensionDto (object)
notesnullable array of NoteDto (object)
orderReferenceOrderReferenceDto (object)
documentCurrencyCodeDocumentCurrencyCodeDto (object)
accountingSupplierPartySupplierPartyDto (object)
accountingCustomerPartyCustomerPartyDto (object)
invoicePeriodPeriodDto (object)
deliveryDeliveryDto (object)
deliveryTermsDeliveryTermsDto (object)
paymentTermsPaymentTermsDto (object)
paymentMeansnullable array of PaymentMeansDto (object)
allowanceChargesnullable array of AllowanceChargeDto (object)
taxTotalsnullable array of TaxTotalDto (object)
withholdingTaxTotalsnullable array of WithholdingTaxTotalDto (object)
totalBalanceAmountAmountTypeDto (object)
additionalDocumentReferencesnullable array of AdditionalDocumentReferenceDto (object)
legalMonetaryTotalLegalMonetaryTotalDto (object)
invoiceLinesnullable array of InvoiceLineDto (object)
const response = await fetch('{consentId}/supplierinvoices/{supplierInvoiceId}', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
      "x-correlation-id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
const data = await response.json();
  "id": "text",
  "reference": "text",
  "buyerReference": "text",
  "bookedInvoiceIndicator": false,
  "cancelledInvoiceIndicator": false,
  "issueDate": "text",
  "issueTime": "text",
  "dueDate": "text",
  "creditInvoice": {
    "creditInvoiceIndicator": false,
    "reference": "text"
  "financialDimensions": [
      "id": "text",
      "financialDimensionId": "text",
      "type": "text"
  "notes": [
      "text": "text",
      "languageId": "text"
  "orderReference": {
    "buyerOrderId": "text",
    "sellerOrderId": "text"
  "documentCurrencyCode": {
    "currency": "text",
    "currencyRate": 0
  "accountingSupplierParty": {
    "customerAssignedAccountId": {
      "id": "text",
      "schemeId": "text"
    "party": {
      "partyIdentification": [
          "id": "text",
          "schemeId": "text"
      "partyName": {
        "name": "text",
        "languageId": "text"
      "postalAddress": {
        "buildingNumber": "text",
        "streetName": "text",
        "additionalStreetName": "text",
        "cityName": "text",
        "postalZone": "text",
        "country": {
          "identificationCode": "text",
          "name": "text"
      "partyLegalEntity": {
        "registrationName": "text",
        "companyId": {
          "id": "text",
          "schemeId": "text"
      "contact": {
        "name": "text",
        "telephone": "text",
        "email": "text"
  "accountingCustomerParty": {
    "supplierAssignedAccountId": {
      "id": "text",
      "schemeId": "text"
    "party": {
      "partyIdentification": [
          "id": "text",
          "schemeId": "text"
      "partyName": {
        "name": "text",
        "languageId": "text"
      "postalAddress": {
        "buildingNumber": "text",
        "streetName": "text",
        "additionalStreetName": "text",
        "cityName": "text",
        "postalZone": "text",
        "country": {
          "identificationCode": "text",
          "name": "text"
      "partyLegalEntity": {
        "registrationName": "text",
        "companyId": {
          "id": "text",
          "schemeId": "text"
      "contact": {
        "name": "text",
        "telephone": "text",
        "email": "text"
  "invoicePeriod": {
    "startDate": "text",
    "endDate": "text"
  "delivery": {
    "deliveryParty": {
      "partyName": {
        "name": "text",
        "languageId": "text"
    "carrierParty": {
      "partyName": {
        "name": "text",
        "languageId": "text"
    "actualDeliveryDate": "text",
    "deliveryAddress": {
      "buildingNumber": "text",
      "streetName": "text",
      "additionalStreetName": "text",
      "cityName": "text",
      "postalZone": "text",
      "country": {
        "identificationCode": "text",
        "name": "text"
  "deliveryTerms": {
    "deliveryTermsId": {
      "id": "text",
      "schemeId": "text"
    "specialTerms": {
      "text": "text",
      "languageId": "text"
  "paymentTerms": {
    "paymentTermsId": {
      "id": "text",
      "schemeId": "text"
    "notes": [
        "text": "text",
        "languageId": "text"
  "paymentMeans": [
      "paymentChannelCode": "text",
      "paymentDueDate": "text",
      "paymentIds": [
          "id": "text",
          "schemeId": "text"
  "allowanceCharges": [
      "allowanceChargeId": {
        "id": "text",
        "schemeId": "text"
      "chargeIndicator": false,
      "allowanceChargeReason": "text",
      "allowanceChargeAmount": {
        "amount": 0,
        "currencyId": "text"
      "taxTotal": {
        "taxAmount": {
          "amount": 0,
          "currencyId": "text"
        "taxIncludedIndicator": false
      "taxCategory": {
        "percent": 0,
        "taxScheme": {
          "taxSchemeId": {
            "id": "text",
            "schemeId": "text"
      "allowanceChargeBaseAmount": {
        "amount": 0,
        "currencyId": "text"
      "multiplierFactorNumeric": 0
  "taxTotals": [
      "taxAmount": {
        "amount": 0,
        "currencyId": "text"
      "taxIncludedIndicator": false
  "withholdingTaxTotals": [
      "taxAmount": {
        "amount": 0,
        "currencyId": "text"
      "taxSubtotals": [
          "taxableAmount": {
            "amount": 0,
            "currencyId": "text"
          "taxAmount": {
            "amount": 0,
            "currencyId": "text"
          "taxCategory": {
            "id": "text",
            "percent": 0,
            "taxScheme": {
              "id": "text"
  "totalBalanceAmount": {
    "amount": 0,
    "currencyId": "text"
  "additionalDocumentReferences": [
      "id": "text",
      "reference": "text"
  "legalMonetaryTotal": {
    "taxInclusiveAmount": {
      "amount": 0,
      "currencyId": "text"
    "prepaidAmount": {
      "amount": 0,
      "currencyId": "text"
    "payableRoundingAmount": {
      "amount": 0,
      "currencyId": "text"
    "payableAmount": {
      "amount": 0,
      "currencyId": "text"
  "invoiceLines": [
      "id": "text",
      "invoicedQuantity": {
        "quantity": 0,
        "unitCode": "text"
      "lineExtensionAmount": {
        "amount": 0,
        "currencyId": "text"
      "item": {
        "name": "text",
        "description": "text",
        "sellersItemIdentification": {
          "id": "text",
          "extendedId": "text",
          "barCodeSymbologyId": "text"
        "classifiedTaxCategories": [
            "percent": 0,
            "taxScheme": {
              "taxSchemeId": {
                "id": "text",
                "schemeId": "text"
      "price": {
        "priceAmount": {
          "amount": 0,
          "currencyId": "text"
        "priceTypeCode": {
          "code": "text",
          "listId": "text"
        "allowanceCharges": [
            "allowanceChargeId": {
              "id": "text",
              "schemeId": "text"
            "chargeIndicator": false,
            "allowanceChargeReason": "text",
            "allowanceChargeAmount": {
              "amount": 0,
              "currencyId": "text"
            "taxTotal": {
              "taxAmount": {
                "amount": 0,
                "currencyId": "text"
              "taxIncludedIndicator": false
            "taxCategory": {
              "percent": 0,
              "taxScheme": {
                "taxSchemeId": {
                  "id": "text",
                  "schemeId": "text"
            "allowanceChargeBaseAmount": {
              "amount": 0,
              "currencyId": "text"
            "multiplierFactorNumeric": 0
      "delivery": {
        "actualDeliveryDate": "text"
      "financialDimensions": [
          "id": "text",
          "financialDimensionId": "text",
          "type": "text"
      "allowanceCharges": [
          "allowanceChargeId": {
            "id": "text",
            "schemeId": "text"
          "chargeIndicator": false,
          "allowanceChargeReason": "text",
          "allowanceChargeAmount": {
            "amount": 0,
            "currencyId": "text"
          "taxTotal": {
            "taxAmount": {
              "amount": 0,
              "currencyId": "text"
            "taxIncludedIndicator": false
          "taxCategory": {
            "percent": 0,
            "taxScheme": {
              "taxSchemeId": {
                "id": "text",
                "schemeId": "text"
          "allowanceChargeBaseAmount": {
            "amount": 0,
            "currencyId": "text"
          "multiplierFactorNumeric": 0
      "subInvoiceLines": [
          "invoicedQuantity": {
            "quantity": 0,
            "unitCode": "text"
          "item": {
            "name": "text",
            "description": "text",
            "sellersItemIdentification": {
              "id": "text",
              "extendedId": "text",
              "barCodeSymbologyId": "text"
            "classifiedTaxCategories": [
                "percent": 0,
                "taxScheme": {
                  "taxSchemeId": {
                    "id": "text",
                    "schemeId": "text"

Last updated